Soil Microecology

Soil microbes

Soil is an important link between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere for material and energy exchange. The soil not only contains a large number of chemical elements such as carbon and nitrogen, but also contains many microorganisms. Generally, the number of bacteria in soil microbes is the largest. The beneficial bacteria include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, nitrifying bacteria and saprophytic bacteria. The harmful bacteria include denitrifying bacteria and others.

In the past 30 years, with the emergence of various advanced physical and chemical methods, especially the exponential development of high-throughput sequencing technology, soil microbiology has become a growth point and cross-frontier of earth sciences and life sciences. Soil microbiome is one of the core resources in the fields of industrial and agricultural production, medicine and health, and environmental protection. It has become a strategic highland for a new round of scientific and technological revolution.

Research Direction

The main research directions of soil microbes including,

  • Explore the soil microbial diversity under the influence of different environmental factors.
  • Research on the microbes with specific functions in soil.
  • Study the relationship between plants and soil microbes.
  • Identify soil biological antibiotic resistance genes.

Technical Process

  • The process of soil microbe high-throughput sequencing analysis.

The process of soil microbe high-throughput sequencing analysis - Creative Biogene

  • The process of soil microbe PCR-DEEG analysis.

The process of soil microbe PCR-DEEG analysis - Creative Biogene

Sample Type and Detection Type

  • The sample type is 3-5g fresh soil. Recommend to use our product - microbial sample collection.
  • The requirements of DNA sample: total DNA ≥ 300ng, DNA concentration ≥ 10ng/μL, OD260/280 = 1.8 - 2.0.
  • The main detection types are bacteria, fungi, viruses and archaebacteria, etc.

What Can We Offer?

For the detection of different types of microbes, microbial diversity and related tests are mainly divided into the following detection services, namely amplicon sequencing, metagenomic testing, functional gene sequencing, and quantitative microbial testing, etc.

The specific service content includes the following aspects, microbial isolation & cultivation, microbial identification, microbial sequencing, microbial proteomics, microbial metabonomics and bioinformatics analysis.

Bioinformatics analysis

OTU clustering Taxonomic analysis Phylogenetic analysis Analysis based on OUT Gene function  analysis
OTU distribution
Rarefaction curve
Shannon index curve
Rank abundance curve
Diversity index
Community composition analysis
Community correlation analysis
Community difference analysis
  • NMDS analysis
  • PCA
  • PCoA
  • LEfSe differential analysis
  • Network diagram
UniFrac analysis
Phylogenetic tree
OTU correlation analysis
  • Heatmap
  • Venn diagram
KEGG analysis
GO analysis
MetaCyc analysis
EggNOG analysis
CAZy analysis
CARD analysis

Our Advantages 

  • Our comprehensive and detailed solution allows you to enjoy a one-stop experience.
  • Fast turnaround time, high quality and reasonable price.
  • We regularly accept audits from our customers to ensure that we meet their high standards.

Soil microorganisms play a vital role in promoting plant growth, inhibiting plant diseases and establishing vegetation. Creative Biogene focuses on the field of soil microecology, and has accumulated years of experience to provide the best services and solutions to accelerate the realization of customer's research goals.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us for more details.


  1. Högberg M, et al. (2013). "Soil microbial community indices as predictors of soil solution chemistry and N leaching in Picea abies (L.) Karst. forests in S. Sweden." Plant and Soil. 372.1-2: 507-522..
For Research Use Only.
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